It is not difficult to empty an egg: creed that all we havemade it. A large needle is taken and two holes are made the oppositeheads of the egg. Then attention is blown nose delicately (if tipstoo much strongly the eggs can be broken off) making to come down
the content in one small basin. This the fairies every timethat you must make one frittata, so as to to work two or three
The wax that you must use must be white woman,
waves to beable to stir the colors
with the pastels to wax that you will be ableto find in commerce. Fairies many
scodelline, therefore to conservethe colors that you have prepared: I use of the
glass containers(jars of plasmon or yogurt).
If you have not found in commerce the punteruolo with therounded off small capocchia, you take one matita and enfilades on thepart where not one is the tip pin.
The eggs go colored with varnish polish to water, evidentlythat it makes I enunciate with the color of the wax that is wanted tobe put over. In order better to manipulate the egg, and not toccarlowith the hands, you council of infilarlo on one stecco of wood.
Several techniques can be always used in order to have thewarm wax to hand capacity: I of usual use a stove with awarm water pot, where in a bain-marie there is mine vasetto of waxthat I had prepared before.
You can use also one of those small pots for the barbecque,but always with the ciotoline dipped in the warm water.
Put the pin in the warm wax and putting down the pin onthe
shell of the egg marked
the petal of the design that you haveintention to make.
Here under you can see as the wax is leaned on the egg and itis pulled towards the bottom in order to make the decoration.
Famous good: the wax must be fluid and to slide well on theshell.
Remembered of intingere every turns the pin in the warm wax,that it must be fluid. If it smokes is too much warm, if it does notslide is too much cold. Fairies of the tests. Here under you can see a flower beginning, but you caninventarvi all the imaginable possible decorations.
You can also make of the geometric holes on the shell of theegg and then to put the wax on the contours, or to insert of theribbons in the holes that you have made.
I hope
that the instructions are sufficient for being able tobegin to make a beautiful
Auguries to all the friends.
Hello. Elena: -)