General warnings: wire d '
silver, diametermilimeter 0.6; branch wire diameter milimeter 0,25;filo of iron
for istems diameter milimeter 0.8; length cm 15, mesh for stockings,available in
various colors;stami and pistilli in various shapes, tapecanneté in order to
wrap the stems in green and brown. Theconsumption depends on the number of the
flowers and the leaves. Astools are necessary of the small and sharpenned
scissors, 1 clamp tocesoia, 1 universal spout clamp plates or. To form the
buttonholeswrapping the wire of silver around to of the tubetti
of similartablets or from the various diameters, or round of the appropriaterods
from the 31 diameter of and milimeter, you seeillustration.
Working : To form the being
necessarynumber of wire buttonholes d ' silver from the indicated diameter.
Tocoil the extremities with the clamp, you see illustration. In everyflower to
leave to sporgere the silver wire of one of the buttonholesfor approximately 5
cm, (for fissarvi the pistilli, the other petalsand finally the iron wire for
the stem with of the branchwire).Ricoprire the wire buttonholes d ' silver with
the mesh forstockings follows: to cut the tubular mesh, to put l ' buttonhole
inhorizontal position between the 2 layers. A hand stretches the mesharound all
' buttonhole, l ' other the alloy with of the wire ofbranch under l ' buttonhole.
the mesh andlegarla with the iron wire. To coil the extremities. This is the
waymore economic than to use the tubular mesh. The principianti preparethe
rectangles cut on measure. In tying the overlapping petals leggermente. To wrap
finally the goblet and the stem with thetape canneté comprising the leaves
greens. In the infiorescenze topannocchia comprising of the wire d ' silver in
place of the wire forthe stem. To begin from the tip with of the boccoli and
aligning theflowers. In order to form the boccioli to coil of the double mesh,
orto imbottire with of the cotton-wool a mesh floppy disk and legarlowith of the
wire of branch.
Roses, long 30 cm : Mesh rose or
salmoneand dark green. To form of the flowers of 8 or
petals from thediameter of 30 - 50 milimeter. To model to the center the center
ofthe flowers and the boccioli with of the folded mesh. To finish tothe flowers
with 5 setali greens from the diameter of 20 milimeter.To comprise the boccioli
between the 2 setali.
Pannocchie of flowers of melo, long cm
30 - 35 :mesh rose and white woman, stami fine in yellow black pale and
andtape canneté brown. To begin the pannocchia with of the imbottitiboccoli rose
delicate, to continue with flowers rose from 2 petalsfrom the diameter of 11
milimeter, then from 5 petals from thediameter of 16 milimeter. They follow of
the flowers with 2 petalswhite men and 3 petals rose from the 25 diameter of
Anemones, long cm 10 and 25 : mesh in rose,clear or viola and green olive, pistilli browns and stami in.biancoand black yellow. In the flowers to replace the wire d ' silver withof the covered wire from the diameter of 1 milimeter. For 5 petals todetach for 1 cm the cover from cm 13 of covered wire, to coil theextremities and to second model l ' to buttonhole the photo. Toabundantly overlap the legandoli petals around to 1 pistillo,encircled they give approximately 50 stami.
Gigli and Gerbere, long approximately cm 30 : meshancient, orange rose and in other inks. To tie of the flowers of 8 -10 petals from the diameter of 55 milimeter (modeled many straits)with of the stami dark. Ombreggiare eventually the center of theflowers with the pennarello.
Giaggioli, long cm 35 - 40 : viola or yellow meshclearly and green olive, stami yellow or dark. For every flower tofold 3 petals from the diameter of 30 - 50 milimeter and 3 from thediameter of 50 - 60 milimeter. To before tie the smaller petalsaround to the stami, lasciandoli in feet and folding l ' rounding toambo sides towards l ' external. They follow the 3 larger petals,that they will come folded towards the bottom, you see photo. Theslanciate leaves greens are sewn in shape: to fold to half a piece ofmesh of approximately cm 14 x 4 in the sense of the length and cucirlowith with point to zig - zag driven in, working an extremity to tip.To thread the mesh sewn with l ' modeled metallic buttonhole andlegarla.
Fucsie, long approximately cm 27
: meshdark and green white woman, red
dark, stami yellow. To prepare forevery flower 4 petals white men from the
diameter of 21 red milimeterand 4 petals from the 31 diameter of milimeter. To
make to sporgerethe extremities of the wire d ' silver for approximately 20
milimeter.To tie some stami with the branch wire comprising
the 4 petals whitemen, that they remain in feet, you see giaggioli. To comprise
the 4red petals exchanged regarding the petals white men and piegarlitowards the
bottom, you see photo. To form the goblet wrapping astrip of red, high mesh 4
cm, folded to half around to the extremitiesof the wire d ' silver and
legandola. To around wrap of the tapecanneté all ' junction and to the stem. To
fold the flowers towardsthe bottom to straight angle.
Pannocchie of bellflowers, long approximately cm 30 : mesh glicine or blue and green olive, stami clear. For everyflower to fold 4 petals from the diameter of 31 milimeter. Theseflowers do not come legacies like the others, but as it follows: totie a mazzetto of stami in contrary sense between petals, comprising10 cm of the wire d ' silver for the stem like the petals. To wrap l' junction in the tape canneté. Only hour the petals come foldedtowards l ' high, l ' rounding towards l ' external, see foto.nwe
I hope that the explanation is not difficult. I remain to disposition of the friends whom they wanted to deepen the topic.